Trade mark registration in the UK and European Union

Protect the expression of your ideas!

Ideas expressed through creation, in every form, from literary works, musical compositions, films, artistic works, architecture to computer programs, databases, advertisements represent a unique value that is ought to be protected.

Teodoru IP has developed a easy to use platform where you can stamp your copyright so you can prove that you hold the author’s right for your creative work.

Make sure you benefit from both your economic and moral rights of your creation.

At Teodoru IP we can assist you with the following:

Copyright Licence

Our trademark attorneys provide professional advice on what is acceptable on a contractual agreement when you decide to agree a licence with a third party that wants to use your copyright work or even transfer the copyright.

While negotiating any matter concerning your copyright, it is important to obtain an agreement or contract of confidentiality that our trademark attorneys can draft for you.

Copyright Infringement

In case of copyright infringement, our trademark attorneys specializing in copyright law assist you regardless of the domain of your copyright.